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Friday, October 15, 2010

Star Glow Ball Powder- Skin79

Star Glow Ball Powder- Skin79 (14gr)

The star glow Ball Powder is designed to luminate the face and it is sheer and lightly pearlized. Mix the balls gently using puff or brushes
The balls are fine to use even if it gets crushed

How to use:
1. Use Star glow ball powder as a finishing step of the make-up
2. Use brush/ puff that was contained inside, to evenly mixed the colour of the balls.
3. Apply Star GLow Ball Powder to cheeks, chin, nose, and T-zone areas to higlight the most prominent areas of the face

Best for this Skin Type:
Dull looking, unbalanced, sensitive skin, skin with excessice sebum

Camomile: Protects the skin
Coenzyme Q10: Protects the skin
Amethyst & Ruby Extract: Skin's flexibility
Pearl: Bright Complexion & Moisture
Purslane Extract: Moisturize the Skin

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